Friday, January 6, 2012

Aurora - Ten Months

weighs 19 pounds 14 oz

She's cruising!  Aurora has finally discovered that her feet move. I am pretty sure life as we know it will soon be over

Loves taking things out of other things like unpacking boxes or the diaper bag. She also likes stacking the dog food bowls and putting the pieces of her puzzle stacker back on the peg 

Loves to play the fake coughing game--you cough and she coughs back...indefinitely :)

Separation anxiety is starting to kick in a little. Every once in a while she decides there is someone she doesn't want to be left with, and when she is tired she will cry if Mama leaves, but for the most part she will hang out with whoever

Picking up food with index finger and thumb. Her coordination is improving -- more food is now making it into her mouth rather than in her lap

Huge leap forward with bedtime. Not only is she falling asleep in her own bed, but she is falling asleep pretty quickly. Our bedtime routine only takes 20-30 minutes after bath now. I can't believe how far we have come

No real change in naps. She still goes down easily, but doesn't stay asleep terribly long and there is definitely no resettling once she has woken up