We have a tooth! Actually it was one right after the other so she now has both her bottom front teeth in.
Getting ready to take off. She "takes us on walks" all over the house but still needs us to hold both of her hands. If you sneak one away she stops dead ;)
Go Broncos! |
She has really started copying us. If Dad bangs on the table she bangs on the table. And when Grandma starts singing patty-cake Rora starts clapping her hands. It is so fun to see her starting to interact with us.
She is still stuck on da-da but babbling up a storm. A few times it has really sounded like she has said words. She was patting Chile the other day and I swear she said "chile" Last time we were at the vet he also could have sworn she responded "okay" to something he said.
Aurora has really taken off with solids this month. It was like something finally clicked and she started shoveling food into her mouth!
Bedtime continues to get better. This month we established playtime in the crib after all of her sleeps and this has made her infinitely more comfortable in her bed.
I don't make this stuff up...this is literally how my daughter sleeps |
Naps are still tricky. She goes down really easily -- often with no protest at all -- but the length still usually ranges from 30-60 minutes.