Friday, April 6, 2012

Aurora - Thirteen Months


Weight :: 21 pounds 3 ounces

Words - up "uppa", baby "be-be", byebye "ba-ba", no "nah nah nah"
Signs - "eat/hungry" "more" for just about anything, trying "water"

Loving that she can direct us now.  She gets such a kick out of asking for "uppa" from one person then immediately asking "uppa" from someone else so that she gets passed back and forth.

I don't know how long she has been doing this, but the other day I noticed that she never holds a book upside down.  In fact, if you hand her a book upside down she will look at it funny, turn it right side up and then nod at it ;)

She loves climbing up into her little rocking chair with a book and just reading to herself.

Still cruising.  She can stand independently and I am pretty confident that she could walk if she wanted to but she doesn't seem to have any interest yet. 

She definitely doesn't eat all foods all days, but she has yet to consistently refuse anything in particular.  This month she has decided she loves bread.  Once the bread comes out she isn't really interested in anything else.

She is can feed herself with a  preloaded spoon and is using her sippy cup independently (we don't use a valve so prior to this she was just turning it over and dumping it out)

Sleep has been amazing at night.  Since daylight savings time she has started sleeping from 7pm until 7am.  I am loving the extra 30-45 minutes of sleep!

Unfortunately we went away at the beginning of the month and naps just haven't been the same since.  Not only is she crying a lot when we put her down but I also think she may be ready to give up her morning nap.  She has only taken two naps one out of the last 4 or 5 days.  I hope she will give me a good two hour nap in the middle of the day...