Connor Man! You are getting so big. All of the sudden you stopped feeling like a newborn. You are so much more sturdy - I can toss you on one hip and hold you with one hand rather than having to cradle you all the time. Your have pretty much complete head control so we rarely have to worry about that.
You are sitting up! Of course you can't sit up by yourself yet but you are getting there. You can sit unaided in the bumbo and we set up your high chair which you are enjoying as well. Meal times are much easier with you at the table because you are usually content to watch your sister. Actually I have noticed you really don't like to be reclined in your baby seats anymore. When we lay you back on us or one of your seats you struggle to sit up, and lately you have succeeded a few times.
You are also becoming such a smiley little dude. I love it. We got your first real open mouthed smile just in time for Valentines Day and you are finally smiling and laughing in response to our interactions. One of your favorites is when I bounce you on my knees and sing The Grand Old Duke of York. Its awesome.
Your eye hand coordination is coming along. At the beginning of the month you would stare at your toys and sometimes hit them but mostly you were still trying to figure out how to get your hands to go where you wanted them. I think we first started giving you toys on your bumbo around 10 weeks and you definitely hadn't mastered how to make contact yet. Now you are starting to actually play with your toy bars and will sometimes hold onto a toy or rattle.
Your sleep is currently all over the place. After you wake up in the morning you are ready for nap almost exactly an hour later but besides that it is anybody's guess. I can never predict how long you will sleep. Nights have also been rough. You generally sleep for about 2 hours at a time (which can be anywhere from 1 hour to 2.5) and that makes for a lot of wake ups. Your first stretch of the night is usually longer than that, but you have also been going to bed earlier and earlier so it doesn't really help me get any more sleep. I'd say you are trending toward a 6-7pm bedtime and then sleep until about 6:30am.
You have definitely found your feet, but you can't touch them yet. You just love to sit and rub them together. I've said it before but you can't sit still!
Your hair is getting so light! It's pretty comical actually because it looks like you had your hair dyed dark and then forgot to keep dying it. It is super dark on the tips and then the roots are growing in very blonde :)