Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Connor 9 Months

Connor Man, you are mobile! You started the month off by constantly moving from sitting to table top to sitting again. I thought maybe you were going to start doing some down dogs like your sister did before she started crawling…and then you just took off!

You started sitting yourself up from your belly the day before you started crawling. It's like you just needed that last little bit of strength or coordination to be able to do all the things you had been wanting to do for quite a while.

You are starting to eat more solids both in different types and in quantity. You are eating plain yogurt almost every day for breakfast, usually sweet potato or something from the fridge for lunch and then some of whatever we are having for dinner.

You have started playing peekaboo with us which is absolutely hysterical. For a long time you have laughed if we played peekaboo but now you will hold things up in front of your face to hide.

You are still sleeping from about 7pm to 6 or 6:30am and waking up 3 times at night. You are STILL in that awkward place where two naps isn't enough and three is too many. I think the problem is that you aren't sleeping long enough at either nap which makes your last awake stretch to be wayyyy too long. You are up roughly 2 1/2 hours before your first nap and 3 until your second, sleeping 45 min to 1 hour a piece.

Friday, August 1, 2014

July 2014

Aurora started swim lessons this month. Being in the ocean and at the pool in Hawaii made us realize that she is old enough to learn to swim. She also loves being in the water so as soon as she gets over her fear of going under she will be so happy that she can swim by herself.

We went to the Cherry Creek Arts Festival again this year. Last year we didn't have a house yet so we didn't buy and thing and this year I didn't see anything I liked all that much. It was honestly a bit disappointing. Aurora had fun getting her face painted though!

Fairy Princess

Mimi and Papa were in town for a week at the end of the month. It's totally shameful that I don't have a single picture of them with the kids… Getting out of the house was a little difficult with all the different schedules going on but it was nice to see them spend some quality time with the kids anyway.

Aurora is finally starting to get over a little bit of her perfectionism and actually trying to color and write. For the longest time she would just say "I can't do it"

Otherwise we have just been spending time with the kids and a few new friends.

Aurora and Elle