September was mostly just settling in at preschool. Aurora has been having a very rough time with drop off so her amazing teacher, Miss Jennifer, suggested we come 10 minutes early to let Aurora settle in. It is still not perfect but there is no more kicking and screaming. I'll take that as a win.
Aurora and her buddy Gwen at Temple |
We also hit the mountains for Pete & Nicole's wedding. Miss Lauren came up to watch the kids so both Matt and I got to attend the wedding together! It was a beautiful wedding in Beaver Creek and so much fun.
Breckenridge |
-- Connor at 10 Months --
You are a pickier eater than your sister, but I think you are eating more volume than she did at this age.
We finally figured out that you have eczema which is causing the scaly patches of skin on your back and shoulders. We put a humidifier in your room and have stopped giving you a nightly bath which have both helped a ton.
2 naps a day -- one around 9:30 and the other around 2.
You are finally sleeping at night! You go down around 6:30, wake at 5 to eat and then go back to sleep until about 6:30. After a few night with Dada on duty you seemed to have decided that it isn't worth the trouble to wake up if you aren't going to get fed.