Sunday, March 1, 2015

February 2015

We have had some really warm weather lately. I think we had a whole week of 70 or 80 degree days which were lovely; however, only make the return of the cold that much harder. The kids loved playing outside and digging in the dirt.

Unfortunately preschool isn't going well. The stress usually starts as soon as Aurora wakes up and ends with her hysterically crying when I drop her off at Temple. It is completely exhausting and I feel terrible that she is so unhappy for so much of each school day. If she was happy and content after I left that would be one thing but apparently she is usually sad for quite a while.

We celebrated Matt's birthday! Unfortunately we didn't get to celebrate on his actual birthday because I picked Aurora up from school to find her a complete disaster complaining of her ears. I took her to the pediatrician and she had an ear infection in both ears. Poor girl!

Connor got his first haircut! He was so cooperative and looks like such a big boy now!

We finished ski school! Getting Aurora to her lesson was pretty brutal but luckily we ended on a good note. She left her last class saying how much fun she had and that she wanted to come back next year. She may feel differently when next year actually rolls around… but for now I'll take it!

-- Connor at 14 months --

You are finally eating a little bit more. I think part of the problem lately may have been your teeth. When you are being extraordinarily picky you will still usually eat soft things like packets and yogurt so I'm wondering if your mouth just gets really tender. Even though you won't eat most things, you are obsessed with banana. Any time you see them you shout "nana!" over and over again until we give you some ;)

You have picked up your second nap again.

You are finally not screeching so much. You can now yell "mama!" whenever you wants something.

For Valentine's Day your Dada got you and Aurora giant bears which you both love. You especially love "attacking" them by walking over, shouting "ahhhhhhhhh" and throwing yourself on top of them. It's hysterical.

You have recently discovered a love of books. You want to be read to all the time and will often sit by yourself and look through them. You also like to point to the pictures and "talk" to them.

New words :: gig git (get it), ma "moose"