Cooper Charles finally arrived on September 20th. He was only a few days late... It is interesting that I have carried each baby longer than the previous one. We are so thrilled to add this sweet boy to our family!
Our nanny, Maddie, started with us the beginning of the month and it has been amazing. While I do feel guilty for not being the primary care giver during the day I also realize that I haven't been very fun for them lately. This gives them the focused attention that they need and I was able to get a few final things done before baby.
Betsy and Kevin were here the beginning of the month but I guess Cooper decided it was only fair to wait until my parents arrived instead since Betsy and Kevin got to be around for Connor's birth.
Aurora started school at Inspire and is loving it! We have yet to see any pushback from her about going to school in the morning and always seems happy, albeit very tired, when we pick her up. She has also started "big girl" ballet classes -- "no more tap for me Mama!"
Cooper is doing amazing! He is proving to be a pretty relaxed guy. The first few days he was pretty grumpy, but he has since chilled out a little and is either eating, sleeping or just looking around at what is going on. He is sleeping quite a bit during the day (as most newborns do) and even sleeping reasonably well at night. He is giving us roughly 2 hour chunks of sleep mixed in with some awake time, but I'll take it!