Preschool is over... How do I have a kindergartener already?! I am really going to miss taking Aurora to Miss Katie and Miss Sharon everyday for school. They really have an amazing way of dealing with the kids and working through any issues that come up.
We finally had Aurora's 5 year pediatrician appointment. She has been complaining of headaches just about everyday for the past... month? They told us headaches at her age are usually dehydration but if drinking more water doesn't help I am going to take her to get her vision checked. The only thing I can think of is that she has been reading A LOT more recently and I think it coordinates to when the headaches started.
Cousin Julie came to visit |
Aurora got her real violin! And just in time for her first concert. She was so proud standing up in front of everyone and having a violin just like all the bigger kids.
Aurora's first violin recital |
First time holding her violin |
I am finally getting around to using the family responsibilities charts that Matt and I got the kids for Christmas. I have tried giving them jobs before but have always failed due to my own forgetting not any resistance on their part. Aurora has been unloading the dishwasher (which is an amazing blessing for me in the morning) and Connor has been feeding the dogs.
Connor has recently decided to start acting like the two and a half year old that he is. He is getting quite an opinion about everything. There have been a lot more tears than usual and a lot more refusal. He has also been only napping about 50% of the time which doesn't help. The other night I was lying in bed giving him kisses and he looked up at me and said, "Mama, I love your kissed... but now go" Ha.
Connor and Knox |
Aurora has been reading all.the.time. I usually try to limit her reading to quiet time because it is one of the few times that she and Connor do not get along. He wants to sit and be a part of what she is doing and she wants him to leave her alone. And the other night I went into her room to check on her and I found chapter books hidden under her bed. Apparently she has been opening her window to get light and reading instead of going to sleep. That girl.
I have never really liked requiring a child to say they are sorry because saying doesn't actually mean they are sorry. If one of the kids does something to the other they have to go over and ask if the hurt one is okay and what they can do to help. It is super cute that lately they have been answering "you can give me a hug and a kiss" awwww.
Matt and I decided that even though the kids don't watch much TV, they had started watching more of it on weekend mornings with Dad and it seems to be negatively impacting their behavior towards each other and us. We are going to try cutting it out except for times when we all want to sit down as a family and watch something together. I am excited to see if this helps all the poor behavior we have been seeing.
-- Cooper at 7 months --
Cooper is sitting up completely independently! He hasn't figured out how to get himself up to a seated position yet but we went ahead and dropped his mattress because I would hate to learn he had figured it out by finding him on the floor in the middle of the night.
He has been pulling up to standing by holding onto our hands. He wants to stand so badly!
This boy hates tummy time. I have been trying to do more of it with him since he is showing no signs of crawling, but it isn't worth the tears.
I have finally decided to stop being lazy about food and get him on some solids. Nursing is just so much easier...
He is solidly on two naps -- 8:30 and 1
Nights are starting to turn!! He has been going to sleep really well and he has been going back to sleep some of the times with just some extra white noise. He has been waking 3-4 times but only getting fed at 1 and 4 which has thankfully caused an increase in day intake. I offer pretty frequently and he eats before and after each nap as well as once in the middle of his awake time.