Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Aurora - One Year

One year?  How on earth did this happen already??
Height :: 30" (75%)
Weight :: 20 lbs 6 oz (40%)
Head Circumference ::18 3/4" (90%)

Honestly it doesn't seem possible that my girl could already be a year old. I remember someone telling me when she was born that every stage is absolutely amazing and you can't imagine how it could possibly get any better but it does.  I didn't believe it at the time as I was holding my little one week old in my arms -- but she was right!  It is incredible to watch her little mind coming alive, see her absorbing the world around her and starting to make sense of it all.  I can't wait to see what the next year holds for us.

This past month has been a huge one for developments.  She has always been a very social and aware baby, but she seems so much more so than she did even a month ago.  It is incredible.

Aurora can finally talk to us!  She is signing "more" and "milk" as well as saying mama and dada to the appropriate person.  Before this I swear everything fun was dada ;) I am amazed by how much she is showing she understands and how much she can communicate with her limited vocabulary.  She was eating dinner one night recently and started screaming that she wanted something so I waited until she was done, looked at her and said "Aurora Lynn how do you ask for more?" and she promptly responded with the "more" sign.  I was floored.  I hadn't actually expected her to comprehend or respond.  She really is becoming a little person!

She is still cruising and has even started taking a few steps in order to get from one hand hold to the next.

She has started handing us stuff when we ask for it and she is helping us get her dressed by holding out an arm or ducking her head into her shirt.

She has been big into sharing food lately.  I can hardly get the girl to eat her own food because all she wants to do is feed one of us.  It's terribly cute but often times the tidbits she is trying to share are less than appetizing.

She got a mini piano for her birthday from Grandma and Grandpa that looks exactly like her Daddy's.  She absolutely loves to sit on her little bench and play while he is playing on the big piano. 

Sleep continues to be pretty good except when she is teething.  She is just about ready to cut her two top front teeth.

We are making real progress with naps.  She has been going down extremely easily for both of her two naps.  I nurse her, read her a book, and sing to her before laying her down and leaving.  She rarely even makes a peep after I leave.

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