Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Aurora - Two Years

We are all finally in Denver! Our apartment isn't ready yet though so we are staying with Uncle Rob and Ginny until we can move in. It has been really great to see them -- I missed Ginny! -- but Aurora is a bit of a handful because we are in someone else's space. She is constantly on the lookout for remotes to mess up Uncle Rob's electronics or opening cabinets to get into Ginny's glass serving wear ;)

Matt and Grumpa drove out in the Cherokee with the dogs and whatever they could stuff in the car. Should be an interesting few months until we find out house because we came with a few suitcases on our last visit and whatever Matt and Kevin fit in the car. Everything else is in storage until we have a house. 

Speaking of which, we came out to Denver two weeks ago to look for houses and had what I can safely say was the worst trip on record. We left New Canaan with double the time we usually allot to get to the airport but the traffic was so bad that we missed the baggage check in deadline by 5 minutes… so there we were at check-in with a two year old, 5 suitcases and Matt's possibly broken foot and they were telling us we would have to come back in the morning. By some stroke of luck an off-duty attendant overheard Aurora's name and took pity on us because her granddaughter's name is also Aurora -- love nice people! Anyway we finally got to Denver after some crazy flights, stood in line for our rental car but despite having a reservation they didn't have a car for us, and then Matt and Aurora both got a violent stomach bug. Ugh.

Anyway, on to you Aurora. Happy Birthday beautiful girl! We are so blessed to be given the opportunity to get to know you as your personality unfolds.

You are starting to express novel thoughts which is sometimes hard for us to figure out what you are saying but is so much fun. I was so impressed the other day when you came out of the bathroom and declared, "Dada loud beard!" after you had watched your dad shaving.

You are also impossibly cute when someone hurts themselves and you hold out your arms for a hug and say, "I got you my love. Don't worry, be happy. I love you!"

You know that your middle name is Lynn, but you haven't quite grasped that Lynn isn't part of everyone's name. Your Dad and I have no become "Mama-Lynn" and "Dada-Lynn" :)

It has been interesting to watch you interact with your cousin Breck. You and Breck must have some sixth sense that you are related because you instantly acted like family. I have never seen you play so well with and then instantly argue so passionately against anyone the way you do when you are with Breck. It's pretty hysterical.

You are starting to get very possessive, yelling "mine!" any time you think someone else might come and use something you think is yours.

You have started telling stories. Most of the story is unintelligible but interjected into the babble we can usually make out the idea . ……..uncle rob……ginny…….in the backyard…… it's awesome to listen to!

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