Connor, you are 4 months old! I can't believe how quickly the time goes.
You are still aren't sleeping well at night. In fact, I think it is getting worse. You were starting to lengthen your first stretch but that has shortened to about an hour or two as well. On a typical night I would say night wakings look like this -- Bed at 7:15, up at 8, 10, 12, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. Yep, thats generally every hour with a couple 2 hour chunks thrown in for good measure. I am pretty sure I won't know how tired I actually am until you start sleeping and I start remembering what that feels like!
You generally take 3 naps and are up between them for about an hour and a half. Your morning nap totals about 2 hours but you still have to be put back to sleep every sleep cycle. And then your other two are usually 40 minutes.
You are sitting up! Not independently of course but you can balance unassisted for a few seconds and can sit for extended periods with very minor support. I think you will be sitting up on your own in a few weeks which is amazing to me since your sister still needed to be spotted at 6 months.
You are much more interested and able to play with toys now. Your fine motor skills are starting to kick in and you can grab onto toys instead of just bat at them.
You still hate tummy time unless you roll over onto your side, which I guess isn't tummy time anymore ;) You can roll over, but I'm not sure you know how you do it because sometimes you end up on your back and sometimes you just fuss on your belly. You can also do a pretty good mini pushup.
It amazes me that you continue to get more interactive and smiley every day. It is so easy to make you smile and your laugh makes my heart happy :) You love to watch your sister. No matter what she is doing you find her more interesting to watch than anyone else.
You absolutely love bouncing on our knees while we sing The Grand Old Duke of York. I love that you know it is coming because you will start giggling when I start singing even if I'm not bouncing you. It's also clear that you try to ask for more at the end because you will look at me with this expectant look and "talk"
You absolutely love bouncing on our knees while we sing The Grand Old Duke of York. I love that you know it is coming because you will start giggling when I start singing even if I'm not bouncing you. It's also clear that you try to ask for more at the end because you will look at me with this expectant look and "talk"
You aren't big on sucking things, but you constantly have your hands in your mouth and chew on them. I don't know if this is just something you like to do or if you are starting to teethe but we haven't seen any other signs of teeth coming in.
You are still not taking a bottle! Your sister never took one but you are so much more relaxed than she was so I thought it wouldn't be a problem. The pediatrician said to keep trying different bottles and different flow nipples so we shall see.
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