Sunday, March 6, 2011

Aurora's Birth Story

Aurora Lynn McCord was born Sunday evening at 6:18pm. She is a perfect 7 pounds 1 ounce and 19 1/2 inches long.

Matt and I woke up Sunday morning around 9am. We stayed in bed for a little while just talking and I remember thinking that we should enjoy this because it could be our last time. How true!

We were still in bed at 9:30 when my water broke. They aren't kidding when they call it a gush, I am definitely glad I wasn't out in public somewhere! We took showers and packed up the last few things in our bags and headed up to the birth center so I could get antibiotics (being GBS positive). We stopped on the way to get bagel sandwiches and by the time we arrived I was apparently having a few small contractions that the monitors picked up but I still wasn't feeling much of anything. I got my antibiotics around 11:30am and the midwives sent us home.

We got home and I was still not feeling much. I think I had a few small contractions in the car but nothing major. Matt went to finish staining the changing table and I cleaned up the house. Unfortunately I didn't get very far before the contractions picked up big time. They were super intense and I never had more than a few minutes between them. I just paced around the house until it was time to go back to the birth center for more antibiotics. I had no idea how far along I was but I remember thinking if my labor got much more intense I was going to be in trouble. In hindsight I should have known that this meant I was in transition, especially since right about this time I got threw up in the kitchen sink. It was classic Matt to yell, "in the garbage disposal!" when he figured out where I was headed ;)

Oddly, things got a little better when we got in the car. I think it had more to do with the fact that I had already gone through transition though because usually people say labor is worse in the car. When we arrived at the birth center around 3:30pm I was 9.5cm and they told me I was free to start pushing whenever I felt like it. I got in the tub and started pushing… and pushing… and pushing. I'm not sure you were quite ready though because I never felt the urge to push and it seemed to take FOREVER. After a while the midwives got me out of the tub and we tried a ton of different positions to try to move you down. Then at 6:18pm baby girl Aurora was born. Never for a second during my pregnancy had I doubted we were having a girl.

Our little family of three snuggled in bed together at the birth center for 12 hours before heading home. Poor dad had to drive his new baby girl home in a horrible rain storm, but we made it safely. What a crazy, awesome day!