Thursday, December 1, 2016

November 2016

Happy Birthday Connor! How are you three years old?! You are the sweetest little man I had ever met and I am so thankful to be your Mama!

Funny quotes from Connor --

“The dragon is going to crash the castle… because he has a mighty tail!”

 - While doing a 100 piece dragon puzzle

"Mama who was Connor when I was a baby?"

“I’m not talking to you”
 - This little guy is getting quite assertive!

And Happy Thanksgiving! We did a quiet thanksgiving here in Denver this year and again ordered food from Whole Foods. Why cook a gigantic meal when it is just Matt, the kids and I? Although somehow even though I wasn't cooking a ton of dishes it was still a really hectic day. I think its just the nature of a holiday...

We had our first Parent Teacher STUDENT conference this month. Aurora lead the entire thing and did an amazing job reflecting on her strengths, weaknesses, accomplishments and challenges. Her teacher said she was impressed with not only the depth of reflection Aurora showed but how quickly she was able to express it all.

I got to go have drinks with some girl friends :) I don't know when the last time was that I did that, but it was good for my soul. I would like to say I will make this a semi-regular part of my life but I know I will be writing a few months from now and not have gone again! Why is it so hard to carve out time for myself?

-- Cooper at 13 months --

Cooper is talking more -- Go-gah (yogurt), Dada, go go go, muh (more), baba (banana, book)

He is a pretty reasonable solids eater. He will pick at most things but never eats a ton of anything (except his yogurt!)

He seem to be totally capable of walking, but has no interest. He will take a few steps if someone sets him up to, but almost never chooses to on his own. He gets carried everywhere, why choose to put in effort if you don't need to? ;)

Cooper is standing really well on his own. He has gotten stable enough that sometimes he will stand and eat his yogurt packet at the same time.

That boy is obsessed with books! He reminds me of his sister with his intense love of them. He would be happy being read to all day long.

Cooper got his first haircut! Matt had been on my case for a while to cut that boy's shaggy hair. It was looking so funny being super short/non-existant in the front and long and shaggy in the back. He looks like such a little boy now!

Nanny got him a wheeled airplane that he can push around and he loves to chase Connor with it. It is hysterical to watch him try to catch Connor who is riding the plasma car all over the house.

We are down to one nap. He has been going down around 12 after we pick Connor up from school and have a super fast lunch. He still really wants his morning nap, but then wouldn't nap for the rest of the day so unfortunately he is going to have to adjust.

Cooper has been sleeping like a champ. He falls asleep easy by himself after books and typically sleeps through the night. Thank you Cooper!