Monday, August 6, 2012

Aurora - Seventeen Months

Height :: 32" (75%)
Weight :: 23 lbs (45%)
Head Circumference :: 19" (90%)

Aurora has added "Thank You" to her vocabulary

All of the sudden she has become interested in helping Mama clean up messes.  It is amazing how much their little minds absorb -- the other day she spilled a glass of water on the coffee table and without me saying anything to her she promptly ran into the kitchen, brought back a towel and laid it down on the spilled water.

She has started dancing with her dolly -- too cute!

Aurora is off and running... and running... and running.  This girl never slows down!

The Olympics have been on the last few weeks.  We usually don't let Aurora watch television, but we have made an exception for this.  She thinks it is especially fun to cheer with Dadda for America, 'Mer-ta!

She has started requesting her favorite song, Baa Baa Black Shep, by name -- Baa Baa Baa?