Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Aurora - Fifteen Months

A few of Aurora's new words this month :: Banana "Babayaya" Milk "Mats", Dolly "Daddy" Tutle "Durdle"

Aurora has starting to ask to go to the potty when we are out.  We aren't potty training her, but we have taken her to the potty since she was a tiny baby and it is very exciting to see her start to ask us to take her.

Matt and I took a CPR class at a friends house this month and brought Aurora with us.  It was so sweet to see her watching us all with the babies and then mimicking the CPR moves on them. 

She has all of the sudden become very interested in putting things inside other things.  She especially likes stacking her nesting boxes and transferring objects from one container to another. 

Aurora loves music!  She wakes up in the morning and asks for "dance dance" which is a kids station on Pandora.  She wants to listen to music all day long and bounce along to the beat.

She has started giving out kisses!  Love those sloppy wet ones she plants on us.