Sunday, July 27, 2014

Connor 8 Months

You have a tooth! One popped through a few days ago and it feels like the other bottom front is coming right behind it.

We have finally started on some real solids. You aren't a big eater yet but you get pretty unhappy if you are left out at meals. You have had kale, chicken, steak, ground beef, avocado, egg yolk, cucumber, and red pepper.

Separation anxiety has definitely kicked in. You have been much less happy to play by yourself on the floor and you get pretty fussy when I come back even if you have happily been playing with someone else while I was gone.

You love standing! It's pretty funny because lately you have been resisting being put on your bottom and want to be held up or propped up on your feet. You will even try to take a few steps if we support your weight.

You have really started rolling around. Until now you only rolled to get off your belly, but now we sometimes find you pretty far from where we put you down.

You are so close to crawling! You can lunge forward onto your hands and knees from sitting and if I hold your knees under you you can walk your hands forward but you end up dropping your hips because you haven't figured out what to do with your legs yet.

I think you have started saying "All Done." It seems early but you definitely wave your hands when you are done eating or don't want to be doing something anymore which is the same thing right?

Your bedtime is still around 6:30/7 and lately you have been super fussy by the end of the day. You have been sleeping until between 12 and 2 then up every 1-2 hours after that. You are in this awkward place where 2 naps isn't quite enough but 3 naps is too much. I have started throwing you on my back in the evenings when I am making dinner and often you will fall asleep for 20 minutes or so.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June 2014

June was a crazy month for us. We started the month off in Hawaii with the whole McCord clan -- Nanny, Grumpa, Uncle Allent, Lala, Mason, Uncle Tucker, Tia and Brynn.  I will say that traveling with two little ones definitely makes for a different "vacation" experience. I spent most of the week in the house due to naps and the kids being jet lagged but I am so thankful that we had a whole house to hang in instead of just a hotel room!

Aurora and Nanny watching Frozen

Aurora had a blast! She is finally at an age where she can really appreciate the novelty of the trip and there are actually fun things that she can participate in. We went to a sea horse farm, played on the beach, swam in the pool, played with the cousins and Aurora even got to "swim" with a dolphin named Nimbus and watch her first movie ever - Frozen :)


The next few weeks after Hawaii were a total wash. Our flight out of Kona was delayed and we didn't leave until around 11pm which means that Mama didn't sleep a wink that night. Aurora and Dada curled up together and I was wearing Connor but I couldn't get comfortable and every time I moved he started to fuss. By the time we got back to Denver it was time to start the day! It took quite a while to recover from that one.

How I get Aurora to cooperate at the grocery

The last week of June was pretty exciting though because Aurora attended Vacation Bible School at a church in Wash Park. We have friends that were volunteering at it and we figured it would be a good experience for Aurora considering she is starting preschool in August. She loved it! Her favorite part was definitely music time and she still loves to sing the songs she learned there.

Aurora and Pastor Char
We did get our first hike of the season in though! We didn't go very far but considering the hills and rocks Aurora did awesome.

Our first hike of the summer

Chautauqua in Boulder